
Monday's image: June 7, 2021

Heidi Bucher, Banister I, Obermuhle (Ancestral Home), Latex, cotton, bamboo, and metal, 78 x 235 centimeters, 1980, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Monday's image: April 30, 2018

Robert Gober, Untitled, Plaster, beeswax, human hair, epoxy putty, cast gypsum polymer, cast pewter, oil, and enamel paint, 41 x 47 x 7 inches, 2014-2015, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas

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Monday's image: February 12, 2018

Albert Fichte, Toil (From the journal Camera Notes), Photogravure, 12.6 x 14.7 centimeters, 1902, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania